وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب استشاري تدريب الاستقرار الاجتماعي للعمل مع International Alert

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وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب استشاري تدريب الاستقرار الاجتماعي للعمل مع International Alert

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الجمعة, 17 مارس 2023
نطاق الراتب:
> 3000 (USD)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

Interested individuals should submit the following documents to MKarroum@international-alert.org not later than 17 March 2023: – An expression of interest highlighting the Consultant’s experience with similar assignments, a description of his/her approach and plans to deliver the service, and a proposed timeline – A CV of not more than 4 pages.; – A Financial proposal, including daily fees and communication/transportation costs.

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

About the project

International Alert Lebanon is implementing the “Building CSOs’ capacity to deliver social stability projects in West Beqaa, Zahle, and Upper Chouf” project in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) within the framework of “Strengthening Agriculture, Local Communities and Small and Medium Enterprises (ACE)” programme with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ). The project objective is to improve horizontal social stability in target communities through a greater capacity of CSOs to conduct conflict-sensitive activities that further social stability.

In the context of the project, social stability is understood as the state of relationships between different communities and groups. Stable and cohesive societies are characterised by positive interactions, attitudes, and trust between different groups.

International Alert’s intervention aims to support CSOs in three areas – West Beqaa, the Upper Chouf areas, and Zahle – to strengthen social stability in the respective communities. As part of the process, participating CSOs will have an opportunity to strengthen their policies and systems to become more sustainable organisations. Participant CSOs will:

  • Receive training on conflict and social stability as well as on how they can integrate conflict sensitivity and gender sensitivity within their projects. Furthermore, training sessions will be combined with coaching to address organisational development needs.
  • Receive training including coaching on strategic planning, enhancing financial management, HR management, procurement, accountability, child safeguarding, advocacy, and communication, based on the organisation’s capacity assessment.
  • Receive coaching on the design and implementation of initiatives aiming to enhance social stability, pending granting funds to applying CSOs.
  • Participate in reflection, learning, and story-telling sessions supported by Alert to capture the results of the initiatives and consolidate learning on how to work on social stability and conflict-sensitive initiatives in the future.

As a part of the project, International Alert is responsible to conduct three days of training sessions on social stability that will be offered to two participants from each of the selected organisations who will be leading the social stability initiatives. Four training will take place, with CSOs grouped by region for their ease of participation.

In these training sessions, participants will be introduced to:

  •  Key concepts related to social stability.
  •  How to analyse enablers and barriers to social cohesion.
  •  How to design projects that strengthen the enablers and weaken the barriers to cohesion.


The consultant needs to develop the methodology and tools for the needed training.


Objectives of the consultancy

The overall objective of the consultancy is to support International Alert in providing training sessions related to social stability concepts and on how to implement conflict and gender-sensitive initiatives that enhance social stability within their communities.

The specific objectives are:

  1. To develop the content of the training sessions in partnership with the International Alert team.
  2. To provide a three-day training on social stability for 2 participants selected from each of the 30 civil society organizations (CSO).
  3. To draft a clear methodology and tools for conducting the training.
  4. To prepare a final report highlighting on the overall achievements and challenges faced in the training.



The training sessions will be conducted in person or online. The consultant is requested to develop a methodology that includes different ways and activities to ease the information received by the participants.

Support and resources to be provided by Alert.

Alert staff will be available to provide the necessary support (including logistics and the needed coordination) to the consultant.

The consultant is responsible for his/her own transportation and will need to have his/her own computer.

Alert will also provide all key background documents (if needed) to support the Consultant perform the assignment.



The Consultant is responsible for 3 deliverables:

  • Deliverable 1: Detailed training materials (with training agenda for each session) including the methodology and tools to be used based on an inception meeting with Alert.
  • Deliverable 2: Conduct the training sessions.
  • Deliverable 3: Final report on the training session with a set of recommendations.





10 March 2023

Deadline for the submission of offers

17 March 2023


Inception meeting

24 March 2023

Training materials, agenda, and methodology (pre and post-test)

31 March to 5 May 2023

Conduct the training

9 May 2023

Submit a draft of the report

15 May 2023

Submission of the Final report


Consultant profile

  • At least 5 years of experience in conducting trainings related to social stability, conflict sensitivity, peacebuilding, communication, and any other similar topics.
  • In-depth knowledge of the Lebanese context regarding social stability, Do No Harm, and conflict sensitivity with a focus on inter-community dynamics.
  • Experience with and understanding of the local context in West Bekaa, Zahle, and Chouf areas.
  • Professional and educational background in international relations, international development, diplomacy, gender, or peacebuilding.
  • Substantive knowledge and understanding of cultural sensitivity and commitment to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.
  • Proficiency in English and Arabic and ability to conduct training sessions in Arabic and English
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
  • Demonstrated ability to handle sensitive information with discretion and professionalism, including following data protection guidelines.
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.


Education degree

A relevant university degree



– English: Excellent.

–  Arabic: Excellent.



From 17 March to 15 May 2023



Competitive price offers.

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