وظيفة: Consortium Project Coordinator – منسق مشروع الائتلاف للعمل مع Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale

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وظيفة: Consortium Project Coordinator – منسق مشروع الائتلاف للعمل مع Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الاثنين, 30 يناير 2023
نطاق الراتب:
بين 2500 و 3000 (دولار أمريكي)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon بيروت

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: نعم
توجيهات التقديم:

Kindly submit your cover letter along with your curriculum vitae to the e-mail: lib.recruitment.coo@pu-ami.org, mentioning the job title in the subject.

Any Email that does not contain a title will be automatically discarded.

Due to the acute need to fill this position, PU-AMI reserves the right to close this vacancy earlier than stated.

CONTACT PERSON POSITION: Human Resources Officer
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: lib.recruitment.coo@pu-ami.org

Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI) is a non-profit, non-political and non religious humanitarian NGO. Its objective is to provide a comprehensive response, in line with humanitarian principles and applying both needs based and rights based approaches, to conflict affected populations. PU-AMI promotes humanitarian access and dialogue with all components of the civil society and reinforces the capacity of each vulnerable community (refugees, vulnerable host community) to become self-reliant and resilient, by responding to immediate needs and strengthening their socio-economic empowerment.  


Today, PU-AMI is intervening in 21 countries in Africa, the Near East, Caucasus, Asia and the Caribbean to cover the needs of populations affected by conflict, natural disasters or economic crises.


PU-AMI in Lebanon has been implementing emergency and recovery projects in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, in Shelter Rehabilitation, Protection, Health and in Livelihood Recovery sectors.



Under the direct supervision of

Grants & Partnership Coordinator

under the technical supervision

Health Coordinator

Protection Coordinator

under the overall supervision

Head of Mission

in supervision of

Information Management Officer



Under direct supervision of the Grants & Partnership Coordinator, the Consortium Project Coordinator will ensure proper coordination between the consortium members and an appropriate communication with the relevant stakeholders, mainly the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and the Agence Francaise for Developpement (AFD). The Consortium Project Coordinator will ensure the joint planning and implementation of the program as well as compliance to the donor. The main objective of the Consortium Project Coordinator is to contribute to achieving the specific objective of the SAQIRH project (“Strengthening Access to a Quality, Inclusive and Resilient Healthcare System”):


  • Outcome 1:  Vulnerable populations (host communities and refugees) living in Lebanon have increased equitable access to quality affordable preventative and curative healthcare complemented with integrated services;
  • Outcome 2: The Primary health care system is strengthened to be able to respond to any increase in health demand from vulnerable populations in Lebanon;
  • Outcome 3: Primary health care act as a vector for health promotion and social cohesion at both PHCC and community levels to enhance resilience.




  1. Coordinate and liaise with the consortium members and partners and ensure with the steering committee that the agreed governance structures are respected;
  2. Lead the organization of meetings between the different partners (i.e. steering committees, program management units, working groups, tasks force), and provide regular updates on the consortium activities in order to ensure effective information sharing and learning;
  3. Support the partners in the organization and conduction of joint events and activities (i.e. trainings, visits to PHCCs, etc.);
  4. Ensure strengthened communication flow on the implementation of the project, with both the MoPH and AFD;
  5. In close collaboration with the consortium members, maintain and develop partnership relationships with key institutional, stakeholders, and the national and international NGOs;
  6. Coordinate with partners for the preparation of external communication (i.e. events, design of IEC, visibility, etc.).





  1. Support the consortium members in the development of joint action plans and the coordination of the activities to reach the objectives of the project;
  2. With the Administrative & Finance Coordinator and the Logistics Coordinator, ensure the consortium’s compliance with the requirements and contractual procedures of the donor and PU-AMI (i.e. budget follow-up, reporting, respect of financial and purchasing procedures, submission of pre-approval requests, etc.);
  3. In cooperation with  PU-AMI’s Administrative and Finance department, monitor the right execution of the activities in compliance with the budget;
  4. Monitor the performance of the consortium related to the implementation of the action plan/budget and update/alert the consortium members and partners about any discrepancy and/or delay;
  5. Ensure that the cross-cutting issues (i.e. gender, disability, social stability, inclusion) are prioritized while implementing the project’s action plan;
  6. Ensure adherence to policies and regulations of PU-AMI and Consortium member and co-applicants.




  1. In cooperation with PU-AMI MEAL Coordinator and Managers, support the consortium in the development of the consortium MEAL monitoring framework, plan and tools;
  2. With the support of PU-AMI MEAL Coordinator and Managers, supervise the implementation of learning processes and mid-term evaluation;
  3. In coordination with the consortium partners’ focal points, ensure accurate and timely data collection;
  4. Produce and provide regular consolidated reports for the steering committee of the consortium and the donor as per the contract. Specifically, coordinate the elaboration of the semi-annual reports with partners’ focal points and elaborate (PETF – Technical and Financial Execution Plan) as requested;
  5. Support PU-AMI’s Administrative & Finance Coordinator in the preparation of the consolidated financial report as per the contract;
  6. Support partners’ Logistics department for the the preparation, compilation and sending of mandatory pre-approval requests (ANO). This tasks specifically relates to updates of procurement plans, relevant expressions of interests, prequalification requests, bidding documents, requests for documents and quotations, evaluation documents

The tasks and responsibilities defined in this job description are non-exhaustive and can evolve depending on the project’s needs.



  1. Ensure successful implementation of the mission health program;
  2. Build the capacity of partners in regards to the Flat Fee Model;
  3. Monitor the health context and ensure appropriate response when needed;
  4. Identify gaps and needs in the field and report to the DHOMP;
  5. Work closely with PU-AMI’s coordination team to measure the impact of protection, inclusion, social cohesion and MH initiatives.



  • Language skills: Fluent in Arabic and English. French is an asset.
  • Education degree: Post-graduate degree in social/political sciences, public health, mental health or in a humanitarian assistance related field
  • Work experience:
    • 5 years of project management experience (planning, monitoring, evaluation) in humanitarian context.
    • Experience in implementing projects within partner networks or consortia
    • Experience in monitoring and evaluation of complex projects (multisector, multi-annual)
  • Computer skills: Good knowledge of Microsoft Office.
  • Others:
  • Good knowledge in public health related topics;
  • Experience in organizational representation, coordination and liaison;
  • Strong experience in reporting on complex projects to international donors;
  • Excellent conceptual, planning, organizational, and leadership skills;
  • Excellent communication, negotiation and problem-solving capacities;
  • Valid driving license is an asset.


  • Willingness to travel across Lebanon in field visits particularly in Bekaa, North and South Lebanon.


  • Interests: Work in humanitarian action, social welfare.
  • Transversal skills:
  • Conflict resolution skills;
  • Communication skills;
  • Ability to take initiative to deal with challenges;
  • Capacity to work in an multidisciplinary and multicultural team;
  • Well organized, hard worker and fast learner;
  • Able to manage stress and pressure;
  • Able to check information, logical mind;
  • Respectful, neutral and impartial attitude.

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