وظيفة: Logistics Coordinator – منسق لوجستي للعمل مع الطوارئ الأولى – المساعدة الطبية الدولية

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وظيفة: Logistics Coordinator – منسق لوجستي للعمل مع الطوارئ الأولى – المساعدة الطبية الدولية

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الجمعة, 13 يناير 2023
نطاق الراتب:
بين 2500 و 3000 (دولار أمريكي)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon بيروت

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: نعم
توجيهات التقديم:

Kindly submit your cover letter along with your curriculum vitae to the e-mail: lib.recruitment.coo@pu-ami.org, mentioning the job title in the subject.

Any Email that does not contain a title will be automatically discarded.

Due to the acute need to fill this position, PU-AMI reserves the right to close this vacancy earlier than stated

CONTACT PERSON POSITION: Human Resources Officer
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: lib.recruitment.coo@pu-ami.org

Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI) is a non-profit, non-political and non religious humanitarian NGO. Its objective is to provide a comprehensive response, in line with humanitarian principles and applying both needs based and rights based approaches, to conflict affected populations. PU-AMI promotes humanitarian access and dialogue with all components of the civil society and reinforces the capacity of each vulnerable community (refugees, vulnerable host community) to become self-reliant and resilient, by responding to immediate needs and strengthening their socio-economic empowerment.  


Today, PU-AMI is intervening in 21 countries in Africa, the Near East, Caucasus, Asia and the Caribbean to cover the needs of populations affected by conflict, natural disasters or economic crises.


PU-AMI in Lebanon has been implementing emergency and recovery projects in Shelter, Protection, Health and Food Security Livelihood Recovery sectors.


Under the direct supervision of

Head of Mission

under the technical supervision

Mission Logistic Officer at HQ

under the overall supervision

Head of Mission

in supervision of

Procurement Specialist, Logistics Supervisor, Information Technology Officer(s),


Indirect supervision of: Procurement Officer, 2 Housekeepers; 4 Drivers


Technical Referent to: Logistics Manager(s)



The Logistics Coordinator is responsible for the smooth functioning of logistics on the mission.  S/he makes sure that the resources necessary for carrying out the programs are available, and actively participates in the mission’s safety organization.




  • Supplies: S/he coordinates supplies and deliveries for projects and for the bases. S/he guarantees that PU-AMI’s procedures and logistics tools are in place and respected.
  • Fixed equipment: S/he is responsible of the management of the assets, tele/radio communication equipment and for the mission’s energy supply.
  • Car park: S/he is responsible of the fleet management (availability, safety, maintenance etc.), of the smooth functioning of the mission and the realization of activities in accordance with the available budget.
  • Functioning of the bases: S/he supports the teams in case of redeployment/installation/rehabilitation/ closing of bases.
  • Representation: S/he represents the organization amongst partners, authorities and different local actors involved in the logistics of the mission.
  • Coordination: S/he consolidates and communicates logistics information.



  1. Managing the supply-chain


a.    Purchases

    1. S/he guarantees that procurement procedures are respected in the field and the capital from the direct purchase to the international call for tenders and supervises the procurement process for the entire mission. S/he works in close collaboration with the person requesting the purchase, with strong technical specificity
    2. S/he ensures that contracts signed are adequate in terms of effectiveness and protection of PU-AMI
    3. S/he centralizes and optimizes the grouping of purchases
    4. S/he supervises the identification and referencing of suppliers and has detailed invoices for recurrent purchases at his/her disposal.  S/he consolidates/updates the mission’s price catalogue for the mission’s operation areas
    5. S/he ensures that purchase files are correctly archived


b.    Shipment

    1. S/he chooses the mode of transport and the packaging of the merchandise.
    2. S/he plans and supervises the shipment and delivery of materials up to their final destination.
    3. S/he coordinates with the logistics department at headquarters for the shipment of merchandise coming from abroad and supervises the potential process involved with clearing customs.



c.    Stocking

    1. S/he guarantees the management and monitoring of the mission’s stock, according to the PU-AMI’s procedures and tools.  S/he ensures that these are known to, and understood by everyone and are applied on all the mission’s bases.
    2. S/he ensures that stocking sites are appropriate to the mission’s needs and that merchandise is stocked appropriately in terms of location, layout and salubriousness.
    3. S/he organizes fluxes in merchandise, makes sure that the goods are well received and ensures that the technical check is made by the relevant persons.  S/he is attentive to the use-by-date of products, if need be.
    4. S/he ensures the movement/transfer are properly documented.  S/he checks stock reports on a monthly basis.


  1. Managing the mission’s fixed equipment : telecommunication equipment and energy
    1. S/he defines the mission’s technical needs on each base and makes sure that their funding is possible, especially when new projects are being planned.
    2. S/he issues technical recommendations on the choice of tele/radiocommunication equipment and energy supply.  S/he authorizes the choice of the suppliers for the purchase of new equipment.
    3. S/he authorizes the use of equipment, creates utilization procedures and trains personnel on how to use them.
    4. S/he ensures the monitoring of equipment (state, location, proprietor/backer etc) through regular updates of monitoring tools (property list) and the keeping of physical inventories.
    5. S/he supervises the installation of equipment and ensures they run smoothly and are maintained and ensures any necessary repairs are duly carried out.
    6. S/he controls the consumption of equipment, if need be, and, if required, carries out necessary adjustments in accordance with utilization procedures.
    7. S/he oversees the implementation of the environmental and waste management action plan for the mission


  1. Managing the mission’s car fleet
    1. S/he defines transport means adapted to the needs of projects associated with the mission and makes sure that the funding of this transport is possible, especially when new projects are being planned.
    2. S/he ensures that vehicles are monitored (state, location, proprietor/backer etc.) and that monitoring tools are regularly updated.
    3. S/he ensures the vehicles are working properly, that they are properly maintained and any necessary repairs are duly carried out.
    4. S/he controls the use of vehicles and, if necessary, makes any necessary changes to utilization procedures.  S/he ensures plans and monitoring tools for the management of omissions are put in place and respected and that they are maintained through the use of log books.
    5. S/he makes sure, above all, that questions of safety relating to the utilization of vehicles (authorized people, exceptional circumstances, safety equipment etc.) are appropriately addressed.


  1. Supporting the bases (Installation/Redeployment/Normal functioning/Closing)
    1. S/he actively contributes to the opening and the closing of base(s) and potential redeployment.  S/he supports the Head of Base in the organization of logistics factors (installing equipment, building research etc.).
    2. S/he plans and supports the necessary rehabilitation and installation on the different bases.


  1. Ensuring the circulation of information, coordination and representation on logistics issues
    1. S/he ensures that logistics information is effectively circulated between teams on the field, the capital and headquarters.
    2. S/he writes or participates in writing internal reports for everything concerning the logistics of the mission.
    3. S/he ensures logistics coordination at the mission level by regularly visiting bases, checks, monitoring, training etc.
    4. S/he participates in the financial and administrative management of his/her area of work.  S/he makes sure that the budgetary allowance is respected in the logistics department and establishes monthly cash-flow needs.
    5. S/he participates in the writing of reports for the donors (lists of equipment, checking functioning costs etc) and ensures the keeping of and the archiving of purchase files (help, equipment, location, omissions etc).  S/he participates finally in the preparation of logistics in view of an audit which is either forthcoming or already underway.
    6. Externally, S/he represents the PU-AMI among authorities for any questions concerning logistics order (registering equipment, customs etc).
    7. Externally, S/he also develops and maintains relationships with partners, especially concerning NGOs for any question relating to logistics and security.


  1. Supervising and managing logistics teams
    1. S/he supervises the entire logistics team, directly or otherwise.  S/he writes and validates job descriptions and carries out or delegates job interviews.  S/he contributes to work meetings, mediates potential conflicts, defines priorities and plans activities.
    2. S/he participates in the recruitment of the logistics team as well as in any decision to terminate an employment contract.
    3. S/he ensures and/or supervises continued training of local and international members of the logistics team who are in the capital or on the bases on the procedures and tools of the PU-AMI.
    4. S/he supports the Head of Base(s) in the realization of their logistics activities, in a functional and not hierarchical relationship.
    5. S/he creates an action plan for the logistics department in accordance with the objectives defined in the annual programming of the mission



  1. Participate in the management and safety of goods and people in his/her team/area
    1. S/he ensures that the Logistics teams are properly providing safety and security information to the relevant person and that alerts or useful information is communicated in an appropriate way.
    2. S/he makes sure that PU-AMI safety rules are established on bases where S/he is responsible for any activities/tasks.  S/he also alerts the relevant Head of Base and the national coordination team if gaps are observed in order that corrective action should be taken.


  1. Budget
    1. Be accountable for managing expenditures related to one specific grant.
    2. Be responsible for the follow-up and control of his/her budget area.
    3. Analyze and propose solutions of reallocation if needed, after receiving a monthly updated budget follow up from the Admin/Fi Department
    4. Be responsible for approving expenditures and re-allocations within his/her budget area(s)
    5. Plan and monitor expenditures to take place during the grant period
    6. Address his/her cash forecast according to his/her budget areas
    7. Avoid any over or under expenditures at the end of the grant


The tasks and responsibilities defined in this job description are not exhaustive and can evolve depending on the project needs.


  • Medical procurement: assessing the different options for International procurement
  • Accompanying the decentralization organizational chance for the logistics department (HQ to COO, and COO to bases)
  • Anticipating and reacting to regulatory/legislative changes in relation with the ongoing financial crisis and their impact on procurement and overall logistics management;
  • Reviewing the IT set-up of the mission (infrastructure, HR structure, applicative portfolio);
  • Rolling out an environmental action plan for the overall operation of the mission;
  • Coordination with consortia partners on logistic issues


Mandatory requirements

  • Language skills: Fluent in Arabic and English, French is a plus (speaking/ reading/ writing).
  • Education degree: University degree in logistics or a related field.
  • Work experience: Minimum 2 years’ professional experience in a logistics or supply function in an NGO
  • Knowledge and skills:
    • o Independence, an ability to take the initiative and a sense of responsibility
    • o Good resistance to stress
    • o Sense of diplomacy and negotiation
    • o Good analysis and discernment capacities
    • o Organization and priority management
    • o Adaptability to changing priorities
    • o Pragmatism, objectivity and an ability to take a step back and analyze
    • o Ability to make suggestions
    • o Sense of involvement
    • o Trustworthiness and rigor
    • o Capacity to delegate and to supervise the work of a multidisciplinary team
  • Computer skills: Good skills in networking and Internet. Very good knowledge in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)
  • Other:
  • Mechanical or logistics skills
  • Familiarity with stock procedure, car park management, telecommunications etc.
  • Valid driving license (For minimum 1 year)


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