وظيفة: MEAL Officer – مسؤول المتابعة والتقييم للعمل مع Adra Lebanon

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وظيفة: MEAL Officer – مسؤول المتابعة والتقييم للعمل مع Adra Lebanon (Adventist Development And Relief Agency Lebanon)

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الثلاثاء, 10 يناير 2023
نطاق الراتب:
بين 800 و 1200(دولار أمريكي)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon بيروت

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:
Please send an email to recruitment@adralebanon.org with your CV. Put in the subject of the email “MEAL OFFICER – your full name“.
اسم الشخص المسؤول: HR Manager
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: recruitment@adralebanon.org


The MEAL Officer is responsible for the following tasks:

1. Design, maintain and constantly develop MEAL tools and indicators.

  • Develop, implement, and assess monitoring frameworks for the project in line with the Donor requirement and in coordination with the project manager and senior project staff.
  • Developing the Project’s M&E plan, within the framework of a MEAL approach.
  • Facilitate the design of “SMART” objectives, logic models, monitoring frameworks, and evaluation plans during the project planning process.
  • Support proposal writing by taking into consideration all the lessons learned from previous and current projects
  • Supporting the development of the Project activities’ tracking sheets.
  • Establish an effective data collection system and reporting forms for capturing quantitative and qualitative information.
  • Developing the M&E data collection tools (Baseline, Midline, Endline, evaluation surveys (verification and selection), Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Key Informant Interviews (KII)).
  • Study all project documents (including, but not limited to, the project proposal, log frame (PMF), work plans).
  • Review the MEAL needs and plans, and extract relevant indicators to monitor the outcomes and outputs of the project
  • Identify sources of verification that the project can use. As much as possible, use existing data sources embedded in existing systems.
  • Establish an operational manual of MEAL system that includes the above and guides the project team in processing and evaluating the information.


2. Actively support the data collection in the field with the frontliners, to ensure that the data collection is performed in a timely manner and in line with the related Guidelines and Plans.

  • Train field, and project staff on data collection through the defined MEAL tools.
  • Conduct field visits and spot-checks for data validation and monitor the quality and completeness of data sets; coordinate data collection at project sites to monitor program development and ensure timely compilation and reporting of data; capture and document lessons learned, and champion the scaling up best practices.


3. Perform data quality checking and data analysis on regular basis.

  • Ensure the alignment of M&E activities with program goals.
  • Contribute to the development of project work plans to identify project targets and ensure the inclusion of M&E activities.
  • Maintain existing indicator tracking tools; develop additional databases and tracking tools as needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of project interventions.
  • Ensure adherence to specific monitoring and reporting requirements.
  • Implement the established M&E system during the life cycle of the project in all phases from the proposal writing to the start-up phase, the implementation period to the end-phase.
  • Propose new relevant indicators to monitor the outcomes and outputs for all projects in the proposal-writing phase.


4. Report, Capitalization & Communication.

  • Provide relevant timely updates (reports) against the projects Logical Framework according to the donor’s rules
  • Reporting on sectorial platforms (Activity Info, RAIS).
  • Support audits and external evaluation exercises.
  • Analyze data for accuracy, flag validation or quality issues, and contribute to system fixes.
  • Generate indicator reports for tracking progress against key indicators as needed.
  • Create and integrate graphics in reports and information products to help visualize data in a meaningful way.
  • Coordinate responses to requests for information.
  • Contribute to developing and reporting of project reviews, assessments, surveys, and other analytic or evaluation processes and products.
  • Provide technical leadership and support to project staff in planning and implementing M&E systems and activities, data-based program decision-making; provide training; all of which with the coordination and the supervision of the Project Manager.
  • Support the development, design, and writing of proposals and concept notes for related programming information management and reporting.
  • Support recruiting, interviewing, and training new M&E staff.
  • Coordinate with other I/NGOs MEAL Officers/Managers.
  • Preparing M&E reports, and related sections when needed (Project progress reports).
  • Reporting regularly and as needed on progress and challenges, and recommending corrective actions whenever needed to the Project Manager.
  • Compiling and managing, based on ADRA Ca Feedback and Complaint Mechanism, all received feedback and complaints from Project stakeholders on beneficiaries feedbacks.
  • Supporting in the production and appropriate dissemination of Project-related communication and awareness materials.
  • Identifying and developing Project-related lessons learned and success stories in close collaboration and coordination with relevant Project staff.



  • Commit to the humanitarian principles of strict neutrality, religious and political impartiality, and non-discrimination.
  • Report and clarify any work-related issues and challenges to the supervisor in a timely manner.
  • Respect time including work, meetings, deadlines, and other reasonable requests.
  • Maintain a good team spirit and a stimulating working environment amongst staff and colleagues.
  • Commit to honest, high-quality work in all aspects of responsibilities.
  • Be solution-driven.
  • Consider safety and security in the field, and immediately report all incidents to the security focal point.
  • Undertake any other tasks as reasonably assigned by the Supervisor.

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